Minecraft 1.16 The Nether Update-A Full Review


The Nether Update is finally out!(Yay!)And now we're going to do a full rewind of all that's been added in 1.16 From Snapshot 20w06a to the official 1.16 release!



  • Warped-forest
    A Warped Forest In The Nether

    THE WARPED FORESTS-The Warped Forest is a peaceful biome found in the Nether. Mostly Endermen and striders spawn in this biome.The warped forest is dense and has a blue color .The floor of the biome is mostly made of warped nylium, with some netherrack and warped wart blocks on the surface as well. warped fungus, both crimson and warped fungi and roots, nether sprouts, and twisting vines can be found growing throughout the biome. Shroomlights can be found within the huge fungus like trees.The chances of finding a warped is 9.50% out of all the biomes.Warped Forests are relatively safer than most of the biomes in the Nether,Unless,you stare at an Enderman in the eye!

    A Piglin In A Crimson Forest
  •  THE CRIMSON FORESTS-The Crimson Forest is a red-themed biome.The biome is mostly occupied by Piglins,Zoglins and Hoglins.The terrain is mostly made of crimson nylium,with some netherrack and nether wart blocks generating on the surface as well.  crimson fungus, both crimson and warped fungi, and crimson roots, can be found growing throughout the biome. Shroomlights and weeping vines can be found growing within the huge fungus trees.The chances of finding this biome is 23.40% out of all the biomes in the Nether.The biome is sometimes found around or near Warped Forests.Be careful around Piglins and wear Gold Armour.

Let's leave the Honey BEE-hind and go straight to the Nether! ā€“ O ...
 Soul Sand Valleys-Danger Lurks Everywhere
  •  SOUL SAND VALLEYS- A Soul Sand Valley is a large biome that cuts through the Nether's terrain.The biome is made up of Soul Sand and Soul Soil.The biome introduces a new type of Flame called Soul fire.Fossils which are rare in the overworld are found in abundance in the Soul Sand Valleys on the surface.You can also find Basalt pillars stretching from the floor to the ceiling.Nether gold ore, nether quartz ore, and ancient debris generate here.Nether caves also cut through the biome. Nether Fortresses and Bastions can be found here as well.This biome is probably the most dangerous biome in the entire Nether.Skeletons,Ghasts and Endermen Rule this biome so be careful!The Soul Sand Valleys have a 17.30% chance of generating.
  • THE BASALT DELTAS-The Basalt Deltas are composed largely of basalt and blackstone mountains, with lava lakes and magma blocks generating throughout the biome.The blackstone is less common and tends to form relatively horizontal shelves and blobs.Small and large clusters of basalt columns of varying height can be found throughout the biome. Many of these are clustered in and/or along the main lava ocean.this biome has a 17.15% chance of generating.


  Netherite Ingot


  • A new Ingot which has to be clubbed with diamond tools and armour.
  • Increases Durability for Armour and Tools and adds Knockback on armour.
  • Can be clubbed with Diamond tools using a Smithing Table.
  • Can be Crafted by using 4xNetherite Scrap and 4xGold Ingots.
  • Netherite Ingots,Tools and Armour are invulnerable to Lava.
 Netherite Scrap
  • Obtained by smelting Ancient Debris in a Blast Furnace.
  • Used to craft Netherite Ingots.
  • Can be found in Bastion Remnants(16.8% chance of spawning)
Ancient Debris
Ancient-Debris -
  • A rare Ore which smelts into Netherite Scrap
  • Found usually between levels Y=8-22 in the Nether.
  • Can only be mined with a Diamond Pickaxe or better.
  • Finding Ancient Debris grants the player an Achievement called 'Hidden In The Depths' 
  • Can also be found in Treasure Chests in Bastion Remnants.
Block Of Netherite

  • Crafted using 9xNetherite Ingots .
  • Can be used to power a Beacon.
  • A block of Netherite is Blast Resistant.
  • Can be used as a building block.                   
Crying Obsidian
  • Used to make A Respawn Anchor.
  • A Respawn Anchor is made by using 6xCrying Obsidian and 3xGlowstone.
  • Can only obtained by Mining with a Diamond Pickaxe or better.
  • Can be mined from Ruined Nether Portals or can be obtained by trading with Piglins or can be found in Chests in Bastion Remnants.
  • Can be used in Illumination.
  • Triggers an Advancement 'Who Is Cutting Onions?' for obtaining Crying Obsidian.
  • Can be crafted into Pillars and Polished Basalt.
  • Can be found in Bastion Remnant Generates.
  • Polished Basalt can be crafted by using 4xBasalt..
  • Found Abundantly in Basalt Deltas.

  • Found in abundance in the Basalt Deltas.
  • Can be used as an alternative to Stone and Cobblestone
  • Stone Tools can be crafted using Blackstone.
  • Can be crafted into Polished Blackstone,Blackstone Stairs,Blackstone Walls,Blackstone Slabs and even a Furnace.

Respawn Anchor
  • Allows players to respawn in the Nether.
  • Glowstone is used to fuel a Respawn Anchor.
  • Can be charged upto four times.
  • Everytime a player respawns,the Respawn Anchor loses one 'Charge'.
  • Crafted using Crying Obsidian And Glowstone.
  • Attempting to use it in the Overworld or The End will cause it to explode(Respawn Anchor explosions are bigger than a Charged Creeper's explosion).
Gilded Blackstone
  • Very common in Bastion Remnants.
  • When Mined,it has a small chance of dropping Gold Nuggets.
  • Can be used as a cool Decoration Block.
  • It cannot be Smelted.

Nether Gold Ore
  • A new source of Gold
  • Drops Gold Nuggets when mined.
  • Drop rates are between 1-6.
  • Can be found between levels 80-5.
  • Drop rate can be increased by using a Fortune Pickaxe.

  • Crafted using Chiseled Stone Bricks and a Netherite Ingot.
  • When placed,a Lodestone Compass will point towards it in any dimension(So,Compasses can now work in the Nether).
  • Lodestones are Vulnerable to Lava.
Chain Block
  • A new Decoration Block.
  • Suitably used to hang Lanterns or Soul Lanterns.
  • Chains cannot be water logged.
  • Crafted using 2 Iron Nuggets and 1 Iron Ingot.
Nether Stems
  • Obtained from Huge Funguses.
  • Colour of Stems depends on the biome.
  • Red Stems are obtained from Crimson Forests and Blue Stems are obtained from Warped Forests.
  • Can be crafted into Planks which can be used to make Doors,Trapdoors,Stripped Logs,Hyphae,Pressure Plates,Fences,Stairs,Slabs and Buttons.
Soul Speed Enchantment Book
  • Used only to Enchant Boots.
  • Soul Speed Boots allow the player to move faster on Soul Sand.
  • The Soul Speed Enchantment Has 3 Levels,with increasing speed at each level.
  • Can be obtained by Trading with a Piglin.
    Warpe- Fungus
Warped Fungus On A Stick
  • Used to Ride a Strider and direct it.
  • Crafted by combining a Fishing Rod and Warped Fungus.
  • Can be used to attract Striders.
Lodestone Compass
  • A Lodestone Compass only towards a Lodestone it's linked to.
  • Lodestone Compasses work in all Dimensions.
  • Once linked With a Lodestone,A normal Compass turs into a Lodestone Compass.
Soul Fire
  • Just like Normal Fire,but Flames are Blue.
  • Causes 2 times more Damage than Normal fire.
  • Igniting Soul Soil creates Soul Fire.
  • Found normally in the Soul Sand Valleys.
Soul Campfire

  • Can be used like a Normal Campfire.
  • Can also used to ward off Piglins.
  • Light intensity is lesser than a Normal Campfire.
  • Can cause Damage to the player.

Soul Lantern
  • Same as a Normal Lantern,but Blue in colour.
  • Can also be used to ward off Piglins.
  • Light intensity is lesser than a Normal Lantern.
  • Used as a cool Illuminating Block.
  • Crafted using Soul Torch and Iron Nuggets.
Soul Torch

  • Same as a Normal Torch,but Blue in colour.
  • Light intensity is lesser than a Normal Torch.
  • Can also be used to ward off Piglins.
  • Crafted using Sticks and Soul Soil.
Pigstep Music Disc
  • Can only be found in Bastion Remnants
  • The song was composed by Lena Raine.
Snout Banner Pattern
  • Also Only found in Bastion Remnants.
  • Can be used to create a Banner with the Piglin Snout Design.
Target Block
  • A block which emits a Redstone Signal if a projectile(Arrows and Tridents) hits it.
  • Can also conduct Redstone Signals.
  • Triggers Advancement,'Bullseye' if a Target Block is shot at from atleast 30 Meters.
  • The strength of the Redstone Signal depends on how close the projectile is to the Center of the Target Block.
  • New Illuminating Block.
  • Found in parts of Huge Funguses.
  • Can be used for Composters for Bonemeal.


Basalt Pillars

  • These huge structures can be found in Soul Sand Valleys and Basalt delta Biomes.These are said to generate because,'LONG' time ago Lava used to flow downwards,and due to cooling down it turned into huge Basalt Pillars.
A typical Basalt Pillar

Bastion Remnants
  • Bastion Remnants are Castles which are said to be created by Piglins and lived there.The Castle front looks like a Piglin Snout though(Looks funny).These Castles Generate randomly througout  the Nether.

Ruined Portals
  • Ruined Portals are Nether Portals which are damaged and half built,they can be completed and ignited by using Obsidian.Along with the Portal,a treasure Chest always generates which mostly contain Gold Ingots or Nuggets.Also,Gold Blocks are located near or above the frame of the Portal.



  • A passive mob that spawns in the Nether on lava oceans
  • Has a chance of dropping string if killed
  • Can be saddled and directed with a Warped Fungus on a Stick
  • Exposure to Water or Rain can kill them
  • Moves in and out of lava, though it moves significantly slower out of lava.
  • They are immune to fire and lava.
  • You can Breed them by using Warped Fungus.
  • Thhey are bright Red when on Lava,but turn Pale when out of Lava.

Hoglins And Zoglins
  • Hoglins and Zoglins are highly aggressive mobs
  • they usually spawn in Crimson Forests
  • When killed they drop Porkchop and Leather
  • They Attack by throwing enemies(Players and Piglins)up into the air using their tusks.
  • You can Breed them by using Crimson Fungi.
  • They were previously known as "Piglin Beast", But Community renamed it "Hoglin".
  • They avoid Warped Fungus, Nether Portals, and Respawn Anchors because they are scared of turning to a Zoglin.
  • If they turn to Zoglins,they become Invulnerable to Lava and Fire.
  • Zoglins are Aggressive towards any Mob(except Creepers).

  • Piglins spawn in Crimson Forests and Nether Wastes Biomes.
  • They usually spawn with Golden Sword or a Crossbow.
  • They have a chance of spawning with one Random piece of Golden Armour,and a very small chance of Spawning with Full Golden Armour.
  • Adult Piglins are hostile,but their babies are passive.
  • They become Passive only if the Player is wearing at least One piece of Golden Armour.
  • But they can also turn aggressive if a Player opens a Treasure Chest or is Mining Gold Blocks
  • You can Trade with them by throwing Gold Ingots or by Right Clicking the Gold Ingot on them.In return they will throw any random Block or Item(Gravel,Crying Obsidian,Nether Bricks,Netherite Scrap,etc)
  • You can sometimes find them hunting Hoglins
  • They usually hunt in Groups.
  • Piglins are highly aggressive towards wither skeletons.
  • They are terrified of Soul fire, Zombie Piglins, and Zoglins.
  • If they are brought to the Overworld or The End they will convert to Zombie Piglins(or Ziglins)


  • Hidden In The Depths:Unlocks when you find Ancient Debris.
  • Cover Me In Debris:Unlocks when you craft a full Netherite armour set.
  • Country Lode,Take Me Home:Unlock by using a Compass on a Lodestone.
  • Who Is Cutting Onions?:Obtain Crying Obsidian.
  • Not Quite "Nine" Lives:Set a Respawn Anchor to the maximum level.
  • This Boat Has Legs:Unlocks when using warped Fungus On A Stick to ride a Strider.
  • Hot Tourist Destinations:Visit all biomes in the Nether.
  • Those Were the Days:Unlocks when entering a Bastion Remnant.
  • War Pigs:Loot a chest in a Bastion Remnant.
  • Oh Shiny:Distract an angry Piglin with a Gold Ingot.



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