Hellsing has always been one of my most favorite anime shows. when Hellsing ultimate ended it left us with a conversation between the immortal vampire, Alucard and the great vampire slayer Alexander Anderson. As Alucard  started crying out of Alexander's actions to abandon humanity and become a monster in order to defeat Alucard. He failed to shed tears and instead shed blood from his eyes. This is when Alexander told Alucard that one remains human as long one can shed tears but once one runs out of tears the human no longer exists, what remains is only a monster. This was a defining scene in not only Hellsing ultimate but the entire anime Industry. I firmly believe that even beneath a monster there may be a small trace of a human. because of this belief of mine and as a tribute to the Hellsing anime series I have written this poem:


They could not care less if you bleed.
They have abandoned their humanity for eternal pleasure,
They have forgotten the meaning of the word 'love',
They have given in to their desires.
But are they not mere mortals?
Are they not creatures who are driven by emotions and reasoning?
Are they not 'us' who have hurt someone for their stubbornness?
Are we not just children made by God?
And toys who are played by our own demons?
Are we not just the same monsters who feel the silliness of grief?
Of joy?
Of sympathy?
And of love?
Because we all do.
Because the worst monster of all may shed a tear.


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