Is The Superior Spider-Man Better Than The Amazing Spider-Man?

Is the Superior Spider-man more efficient than the Amazing Spider-man?

Peter Parker-the true and the amazing Spider-man has worn the red suit and started his superhero journey at the age of 15. During which he encountered numerous enemies and threats. Most of his enemies that he faced have been his life long foes that appear in almost every Spider-man comic. one of the most iconic and well known villains of the Spider-man is Doctor Octopus.

Peter Parker's life has never been an easy one, even before he was bitten by a radioactive spider he was abandoned by his parents at a very young age, fortunately his uncle and aunt were kind enough to raise him as his own son. But he was still bullied in school and faced all problems that an average teenager would. When we try to compare Peter's past to Dr. Octavius's, we see that Dock Ock's life has been extremely tragic and Peter grew up in a way more fortunate state. Dr. Octopus lived his childhood with an abusive father and was bullied more violently than Peter. The one thing that both these shared in common was their love for science and technology, which of course helped them throughout their lives.

In order to understand which one among the two was a "better" Spider-man, we must try to understand what motivates them to execute their actions, their characteristics and their intellect. As mentioned above Peter lived with his aunt May and uncle Ben who took over his parent's roles extraordinarily which is why Peter was brought up with good morals in him. This naturally made him a kind person. But what truly gave birth to "The Amazing Spider-man" was not just Peter's kind heart but his guilt. As the famous saying goes from Uncle Ben himself, "with great powers, comes great responsibility". Peter understood this phrase after he refused to stop a criminial from escaping , and that same criminial ended up killing his Uncle. This incident defines Peter as he understands that evil events take place when good people with the power to stop evil choose to do nothing,
Things were different for Doctor Octopus, he lived with an abusive father and a difficult high school life. This only made him more and more vengeful to the world and gathered a great amount of hatred inside him which makes him so evil. Even though Doctor Octopus came from a harsh childhood he managed to succeed in life by becoming a great inventor, physicist and also a lecturer. He built mechanical arms which were really strong and excellent to aid Doctor Octavius for assisting him in the laboratory as well fighting his enemies. After an accident that lead to an explosion the mechanical arms were fused to his body and his brain was also damaged. And after that he turned his back on good and started his life as the long time enemy of the Amazing Spider-man. When Doctor Octopus was in his dying body he changed minds with Peter. And when he did, he went through Peter's memories. This changed his outlook towards life that completely did something that even the Amazing Spider-man could never do- ended his career as a villain. More than that it started his life as a hero. But when he thought Peter had died he failed to realise that Peter managed to live due to his memories in his original body.

When we think if the Superior Spider-man was better or the Amazing Spider-man, we can not include their physical abilities as both of them are sharing the same body but only their intellect, which is their ability to use their powers. We must also keep in mind that their characteristics have played a huge role in it. Since Peter Parker prefers to be just a "friendly neighbourhood Spider-man"he refuses to kill or hurt his enemies. He simply tries to take them down without much injuries and makes a few jokes while doing so. His soft heart makes him believe that everyone deserves a second chance and they can change. But this belief led to many more problems. As the criminials and other superhuman villains that he does not kill end up taking even more lives by breaking out of prisons that they are trapped in. In this case the Superior Spider-man holds the upper hand as he has no such noble beliefs of second chances. Unlike Peter, Dr. Octavius brutalizes his enemies so there will not be any more crime commited by that much person in the future. It does not just end here, Peter has to hold his full potential because if he does not he might violently leave his enemies with a permanent injury or even death. But Dr. Octavius uses those abilities at their full potential which gives him a greater advantage in a fight. Take characters such as massascre and vulture for an example. Massacre was stopped by Peter Parker from committing a killing spree and later imprisoned, yet he escaped and killed more people but Dr. Octopus killed Massacre after he escaped so that there was no problem in the future caused by Massacre. Vulture whose life was spared by Peter Parker numerous times used children to commit all his crimes later,however when Dock Ock blinded him all his villanous acts were finally put to a stop.

Now let us move on to intellect. Let's face it Dock Ock surpasses Peter Parker when it comes to intelligence. Peter Parker was solely lead by emotions but Doctor Octopus used calculations and logics in all his acts. This not only put him at an advantage at fights but it also helped him become more efficient to live Peter's social life. He fixed aunt May's health issue that the head with her leg He also managed to have a romantic relationship with Anna and got a college degree. Peter struggled with his social life, he could not keep his relationship with Mary Jane or any woman functional. Whereas Dock Ock even started his own tech company. As Spider-man, Peter was always troubled by Jonah Jameson when he was incharge of daily bugle. And during the Superior Spider-man timeline Jameson had become the mayor. So it was obvious that the Amazing Spider-man would be in trouble. But how does the spectacular Spider-man fixes this problem? By blackmailing Jameson. He blackmailed Jameson so that Jameson could not get into his spider-business.
In the world of comics where almost anyone can get superpowers crime has to be above the bars, and for Peter it would have been impossible to reach out to the whole city to prevent crimes. But Dock Ock built spider-bots, giant robots and hired men to work for to keep the city safe. Because of this crime heavily dropped down. He even built stronger webs and inmproved his technology to fight crime.

By all these points we could say that the ''Superior Spider-man" is greater than the "Amazing Spider-man", but in the end Doctor Octopus states that Peter is the ''Superior Spider-man" And gives Peter his body back. Why? Because Dr. Otto has one such weakness that makes his strengths that make him better than Peter pretty much useless- arrogance. Dr. Otto is arrogant and his narcissism makes him believe that he can never go wrong. His arrogance also got him removed from the high paying job at horizon and also from the Avengers. The Spider-bots that he built to keep an eye on the entire city made the civilians turn against him as those bots started to annoy them by invading their daily lives. In the end because of this he lost everyones support and the city that he tried to protect was being destroyed by the Green Goblin. Peter never did this mistake. He always showed kindness because of which he got support from almost everyone that he knew and cared for. Which is why Peter wins this match. But perhaps if Doctor Octopus had no narcissism, evil in him and was brought up with good morals,than he could have truly been way more superior.


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